Home Breastfeeding Class for Expecting Parents ON-Line.

Breastfeeding Class for Expecting Parents Tuesday 14th January, 2025. ON-Line.

NZ $55.00 incl GST

Time : 6.30pm - 8.30pm.

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Breastfeeding Class for Expecting Parents ON-Line.


 Worried about feeding your baby?

Evidenced based classes run by a Midwife / IBCLC, sharing with you all the information you need to know on how to prepare for for your feeding journey.

This class is suitable when you are wanting some extra advice while pregnant on how to start your breastfeeding / feeding journey or you may have had struggles with breastfeeding in the past and would like some support and planning prior to your baby being born.

In these focused 2 hour groups prior to the birth of your baby, we will empower you with information and strategies for feeding your baby in the early days and weeks, such as:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Nipple pain
  • Establishing a milk supply
  • Breastfeeding after a natural birth
  • Breastfeeding after a medical birth
  • Difficulty latching
  • Fussiness at the breast
  • Low or high supply
  • Tongue and lip-tie assessment
  • Not latching at birth
  • Flat or inverted nipples
  • Excessively frequent or marathon breastfeed
  • Blocked ducts and mastitis
  • Bottle and formula feeding
  • Emotional support and encouragement.

Come and meet other parents who are also expecting! 
Sessions will be tailored to each group to ensure they address all the questions you may have.
  •  Classes are On Line
  •  Class time, see each individual class. 

NOTE : You can pay for single session or BOOK it as COMBO deal with Antenatal Class. 


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