• Taking a Holistic Approach to the Wellbeing of Babies, Mothers and Families.

    Trusted advice that focuses on your values.

  • Taking a Holistic Approach to the Wellbeing of Babies, Mothers and Families.

    Trusted advice that focuses on your values.

Evidenced based help & support to nurture harmony so you can live a rich and meaningful life with your new baby.

Meet Our Experts: Midwife, Nurse , Lactation Consultant and NDC Practitioner with the Fussy Baby Network, Cathy McCormick
Meet Cathy McCormick, our go-to expert for all your sleep, settling and feeding questions. Each month we’ll be posting a question box on our Instagram where you can write in, and then we’ll put your pressing questions to our expert panel.
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Tricks of the trade
Lactation consultant Cathy Mccormick outlines some of the most common breastfeeding challenges and offers advice on how to achieve your own breastfeeding bliss.
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Team no sleep?
Expectant parents know their days of restful slumbers are numbered, but nothing quite prepares you for the reality. Cathy McCormick, from HolisticBaby, shares some thoughts on surviving those early days and nights
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  • "Cathy was our postnatal midwife and we would have been lost without her advice and support! Her vast knowledge, easygoing nature and ability to answer even the silliest questions without making us feel useless, helped us a lot, particularly during those overwhelming first weeks. The most valuable thing Cathy taught us was to trust our instinct. As new parents we were overwhelmed with information, which was sometimes conflicting. It turns out we knew all along what was best for us and our baby, by following our gut instinct!"

    Claire & Mark Sanders, Laingholm, Auckland

  • "As a second-time mom I can confidently say Cathy has dramatically improved my life as a new-born mom. She assisted with improving the painful breastfeeding, but more importantly, has assisted with getting our newborn into a successful night time routine, I am getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night, and have done since our baby was about 4.5 weeks old. With my first baby, I was a wreck from the lack of sleep, and this time around I feel really positive and in control. The sleep guidance Cathy has given me is not strictly regimented, it was advice to help fit baby's sleep with my sleep needs (we go to sleep at the same time together around 10pm) and I don't stress all day long about trying to get my baby to sleep at set times, as I did with my first born. Your advice has truly changed my whole experience and I wish I had met you five years ago with my first born!!!


    Tess, Auckland

  • "Hi Cathy, I just wanted to say 'thank you' for the support you gave me last week with positioning Edie's latch. We have had a lot less grizzling and drama since then and Edie seems to have a lot less intestinal discomfort. She's definitely spilling less too. Funny how the little things can make such a big difference.""


  • "Hi Jo, Your support has been so great! I think the most beneficial thing we have got out of it is just instilling confidence that we are on the right track. You have equipped us with a few tools when we have the odd hard night. Shifting my expectations to reassuring him rather than putting him to sleep when I'm going in to settle is also another great takeaway that will help structure his future sleep regressions/progressions to be consistent with sleep habits. Thank you for your support! It has been a huge help to us."

    Mum & Dad

  • "Thanks to@HolisticBaby!

    Cathy has helped me twice, once with 5 weeks and once at 4 months, with getting breastfeeding right and comfortable and I can highly recommend her.

    Cathy gave me the tools to gain confidence to keep trying and practicing, showing me new ways each time. A Lactation Consultant is SO WORTH IT."


  • "Hey Jo!

    An update from us. We have been getting longer naps!!! He's down to two naps a day. I am absolutely mind blown! His nights have improved too, he has been having a later bedtime but this week we started waking him at 6:30am and it should get earlier. Your advice has been amazing, so thank you.


  • Hi Jo,

    Thanks for our chat yesterday. You answered my question about sensory and if my baby was being put to sleep/bed too much. Anyway, we had such a good night and from about midnight on she slept in 2-3 hour blocks, which was amazing.

    You were so knowledgeable and kind.

    Thank you gain.

When we trust our own instincts we often feel a sense of knowing that we are probably doing it right!